5. Oktober 2013 Fluxus für die Ohren!
Dept. of volxvergnuegen präsentiert
Fluxus für die Ohren!
mit den 3 Liveacts:
Klaus Legal (Frankreich / NoWave-Industrial-Electronics)
MIM (Frankreich / Electronic-Primitive-Rock-Trio)
Ohmu (Österreich / Voodoo-Noise-Trio)
Sa. 5. Oktober 2013 // Glockenbachwerkstatt (Blumenstr. 7, München) // Einlass: 20.00 Uhr

Klaus Legal plays a sort of weird electronic music strongly influenced by early industrial acts, no wave music and a little inch of modern hip-hop (think Suicide, DAF, Residents).
He has toured through France, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, South Korea, Switzerland and Italy during the last 6 months, and I've released one cd-r, one 7inch and one split tape with Cezch act, White Wigwam.
MIM is at first a one-man band project, which mix primitive rock elements in their more raw aspect with electronic sounds that give a more spacey, twisting side to the music. For shows, MIM is half rock (bass and drums) half electronic (synthesizer and a movement controlled screen that is interacting with the synthesizer and effects over voice). It's a perfect mix of both the power of rock music with the psychedelic aspect of electronic music. You could think in some kind of way of « Third », the last Portishead album, but more on the dark edge of it, some Foetus influence could be heard.
Ohmu starte Anfang 2013 als one-man Projekt in dem es hauptsächlich um drum trigger, modifiezierete Signalwege, selbstgebaute Effekt, curcuit bending und Voodoo Rhytmik ging. Mittlerweile ist aus dem Soloprojekt eine dreiköpfige Band entstanden die mit dem trigger-modifizierten Schlagzeug, verschiedenen Synthesizern und Noise-Effekten eine Mischung irgendwo zwischen Noiserock und Free Jazz schafft.